Reward Offered For Fraudulent Impostors Of Allied Legal Services
A reward is being offered by us, the real Allied Legal Services, for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons engaged in fraudulent debt collection activities using the name "Allied Legal Services." The individual or group makes contact with victims claiming to be some sort of collection business or representative of collectors and attempts to extort money from victims.
Contact us at 512-472-3237
Get help going to court with what you can afford.
Basic Membership (Lowest Price) is for most people, which offers step by step direction and assistance under the direction of family law attorneys. These members can get assistance through every single step of their family court process. Most invoices contract to help up to the pending hearing date.
Most of these members get the help they need from attorneys and staff, without actually hiring an attorney to represent them in court. These members usually go to court without having an attorney present with them in court unless they choose to hire one for that purpose. Our affiliated attornyes also help with the paralegal services so that members get all the personalized court documents they need for court at each step in the process.Hiring an attorney affiliated with Allied Legal Services to go to court with them, is another option. There are a number of reasons people choose to use an attorney associated with Allied Legal Services. Price, quality, accountability, and still having the help and input from the entire orgainization of people are the main reasons. Call for details.
Personalized Attorney Coaching (Priced by the Hour) is rarely used by members (less than 5%) but is for people representing themselves (Pro se) who have very complex family law problems that normally need over 3-4 hours of legal help directly face to face or by phone from attorneys within a short period of time.
One on one attorney assistance.
A variety of attorneys are scheduled four days per week to help members, step by step, with their family law issues as needed in the offices.
Self Representation or (pro se) assistance.
An increasing number of people are successfully representing themselves in court with the information, support, and attorneys we provide.
Paralegal Services and Court Document Filing Assistance overseen by attorneys.
Access and assistance in attorney recommended filings using the most up to date computer software programs. Attorneys recommend, oversee, and review all paralegal work associated with the program in writing.
Information You Need.
With over a dozen attorneys specializing in family law, law reference help, staff guidance, and membership packets and resources, members have a wealth of information. We want people to know what the law says about their issues, and how it is likely to be interpreted and applied in the courts, and in real world circumstances.
The Team Concept.
Having a team of caring professionals to help you with your family law issues means you are not at the mercy of just one person's abilities and limitations to get help.
People who care.
The organization is a non-profit run by parents who get no money for overseeing how the organization works, just the satisfaction of knowing that they helped someone in need and knowing they helped make their life better. Most of the people invovled in leadership of the organization have a personal family law "story" to tell!
High Standards.
All individuals who are associated with providing services with Allied Legal Services are required to maintain high standards of conduct in relation to our members and the program. Individuals who do not maintain these standards are removed from the program.
About half of the people who use Allied Legal Services actually do so as a "distance member." This means that they get help by phone and if necessary by email, fax, or regular mail. Our affiliated attorneys are licensed to practice law anywhere in the state of Texas. Call us for locations of offices and participatiing attorneys. Click on contact above.
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Payments above to go to the Get Started and Payments Page